

Set up camera

configure the camera on
sudo raspi-config

$ python3
Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> import picamera
>>> help (picamera.camera)
| capture(self, output, format=None,
use_video_port=False, resize=None, splitter_port=0,
bayer=False, **options)
Capture an image from the camera, storing it in *output*.
| If
*output* is a string, it will be treated as a filename for a
| file
which the image will be written to. If *output* is not a
| but
is an object with a ``write`` method, it is assumed to be a
file-like object and the image data is appended to it (the
implementation only assumes the object has a ``write`` method
- no
| other
methods are required but ``flush`` will be called at the end
capture if it is present). If *output* is not a string, and
has no
``write`` method it is assumed to be a writeable object
| the
buffer protocol. In this case, the image data will be written
directly to the underlying buffer (which must be large enough
to accept
| the
image data).
| If
*format* is ``None`` (the default), the method will attempt to
| the
required image format from the extension of *output* (if it's
string), or from the *name* attribute of *output* (if it has
one). In
| the
case that the format cannot be determined, a
:exc:`PiCameraValueError` will be raised.
| If
*format* is not ``None``, it must be a string specifying the
| that
you want the image output in. The format can be a MIME-type or
| one
of the following strings:
| *
``'jpeg'`` - Write a JPEG file
| *
``'png'`` - Write a PNG file
| *
``'gif'`` - Write a GIF file
| *
``'bmp'`` - Write a Windows bitmap file
| *
``'yuv'`` - Write the raw image data to a file in YUV420
| *
``'rgb'`` - Write the raw image data to a file in 24-bit RGB
| *
``'rgba'`` - Write the raw image data to a file in 32-bit RGBA
| *
``'bgr'`` - Write the raw image data to a file in 24-bit BGR
| *
``'bgra'`` - Write the raw image data to a file in 32-bit BGRA
| *
``'raw'`` - Deprecated option for raw captures; the format is
| from the
deprecated :attr:`raw_format` attribute
| The
*use_video_port* parameter controls whether the camera's image
| video
port is used to capture images. It defaults to ``False`` which
Python still