1|Agate|agate.jpeg|A striped, banded, or variegated semiprecious form of quartz. Petrified wood is usually an agatized wood. 2|Amethyst|amethyst.jpeg|A crystalline type of quartz colored purple by manganese. 3|Calcite|calcite.jpeg|Calcite is a common mineral made of calcium. Pure calcite is white but crystals may be clear. It often forms around springs and in caves. 4|Chalcedony|chalcedony.jpeg|A smooth frosty white or gray translucent form of quartz that fills cracks, lines cavities, and forms crusts. 5|Chert|chert.jpeg|A brittle form of quartz that has sharp edges, used for making arrowheads. Opaque brown, yellow, or gray in color. Black chert is called flint. 6|Copper|copper.png|May be found in its native metallic form or in greenish ores such as chrysocolla, malachite and azurite. 7|Feldspar|feldspar.jpeg|A pale pink mineral commonly found in granite. 8|Fluorite|flourite.jpeg|Calcium fluoride occuring as glassy purple or yellow chunks or crystals, either cube-shaped or eight-sided. 9|Galena|galena.jpeg|A mineral that contains lead and forms cube-shaped crystals. 10|Gold|gold.jpg|A precious metal, often associated with veins of quartz. 11|Gypsum|gypsum.jpg|Calcium sulfate occurs naturally in soft white layers, or in rounded shapes called “desert roses.” 12|Halite|halite.jpg|Naturally occurring sodium chloride (rock salt). 13|Hematite|hematite.jpg|Iron ore, dense and colored dark red or dark gray. 14|Jasper|jasper.jpg|A pretty, opaque quartz usually colored red or reddish brown. 15|Magnetite|magnetite.jpg|A grayish black iron ore that is naturally magnetic and can be picked up easily with a magnet. Lodestone is a form of magnetite. 16|Manganese|manganese.jpg|Dark purple or steel gray, may have fern-like patterns (dendrites), gives amethyst its purple color. 17|Mica|mica.jpg|A colorless or black silicate mineral that comes in thin, flexible sheets. Found in granite and other igneous rocks, it also forms in metamorphic rocks. 18|Pyrite|pyrite.jpg|A metallic mineral made of iron and sulfur, brassy yellow in color and forming cubic crystals, also known as fool’s gold. 19|Olivine|olivine.jpg|An olive green mineral common in igneous rocks. 20|Quartz|quartz.jpg|The most common mineral, a form of silica. It is clear or colored and may or may not have crystals. Quartz can be milky, smoky, or rosy in appearance. Other types of quartz include: amethyst, tiger eye, agate, jasper, flint, chert, chalcedony. 21|Silver|silver.jpg|A precious metal, often associated with ores of lead and zinc. 22|Tiger Eye|tigereye.jpg|A type of quartz that has mineral fibers trapped inside. 23|Turquoise|turquoise.jpg|A semiprecious gem made of copper and aluminum phosphate.