Session 1 Setup

A lot of moving parts

1) Create the container

@ Get ssh and generating a PPK pair


Linux, Mac

Installing the public key on your container

Logging In

New User

Install nano

Create a file called foo.test by

and/or install mousepad and X11 forwarding

if you want to work with a GUI editor.

Use scp to copy  foo.test to your laptop or ..

The following assumes that your private and public keys are in your .ssh directory on your laptop ...

[deid@8gig ~]$ scp deid@deid:foo.test .
foo.test                                      100%   20     0.0KB/s   00:00   
[deid@8gig ~]$ cat foo.test
This is some stuff.

If not you need to do:  scp -i <your private key file> deid@deid:foo.test .

When we are done you should be able to: